Monday, January 5, 2009

"Leaving Brooklyn...Fuhgeddaboutit."

Marty Markowitz is onto something- leaving the 'hood' aint easy, and I'm getting verklempt just thinking about it.

I love this place, the smells, the people, the pups, the poop places... I just love it all. This has been the mother of all trips and I'm grateful to Tra' and Ry for showing me their neighborhood. My eyes have been opened and I'm proud to report- a piece of my heart will always be in Park Slope.

I've lounged, I've labored over my future, I partied (a lot), and I am ready to return home w/a renewed focus in my life (can't wait to sit down w/mom & dad and tell them we're moving).

As I've had time to reflect, I wanted to share a few of my favorite things about Brooklyn:

- Buttercup's Pawtisserie:
Yeah, the slope loves their pups- so much so, that there's a SLEW of doggy stores that sell designer dog crap that I can't ever imagine needing (yeah, so- I tried on an argyle sweater w/a tie... yup, a friggin tie)... BUT, it's nice to know that- on any given day, I can get some raw-hide, jewelry, formal wear, and life-changing baked goods. A special note for Buttercup's (thanks for the shirt).

- That hot little Shitzu from my walk the other night:
I ran into the most beautiful face I have ever seen... she was a lean 13 lbs, pig-tails w/bows, and the most adorable parka I've seen on a dog... I am totally smitten and hope I run into her just one more time... we can exchange sniffs, and fall madly in love.

- Bierkraft:
Dad said I had to hit this shangrila of beer- my god, if you love beer- you worship bierkraft... Dad is gonna be psyched.

I really could go on and on- but I know Mom's on her way over so- suffice to say, I loved my trip and- especially, the company. Ry's been a pal who let me distract hime while he worked and I'll never forget the love that Tra' greeted me with when she came home everyday... totally makes me understand why Ryan is so lucky (simulataneously, makes me wonder why Tra settled for him... she could do much better).

Until next time... this pup is outta' here.

Friday, January 2, 2009

What a hangover

Really, as I get older, it's that much harder to bounce back... Do they make Canine Alka-Seltzer?

Anyway, the new year is here, we had a great time (although, Ryan shot me the stink-eye when I grabbed Tracie for a New Years kiss... with tongue... don't go crazy, I'm a dog, we lick).

After a day of recovery, I had time to reflect on some resolutions for the new year. Yeah, I know- people always make grand resolutions and never stick to them (myself included) but if you don't make them, talk about them, or think about them... nothing will ever change.

While I was sipping on complex wines and Champagne's that tickled my nose, I realized how fortunate I am to have such a great life. In addition to my vacation to Brooklyn, I come from a great family who shower me with love, affection, and designer dog clothing. I was watching some commercial w/Sara Maclachlan w/footage of pups who were beaten, in cages, and without homes... Made me realize that I'm a lucky pup that should volunteer more of my time to those less fortunate... I tapped into mom and dad's account and made a donation of 1 w/lots of 0's next to it (hope they understand).

This may be tough... I love TV but everytime a dog comes on the screen, I freak out. I don't know if I'm threatened, intolerant, or just an angry dog... but damn, it stresses me out.

Okay, it's been 3 days and I totally have writer's block... I started on the streets of Paris, raintime in the spring... a French Bulldog walking down the Champs Elysees', passes quickly by a American Bulldog on a chain... he growls, she shudders... true love... BUT THEN, I thought- what of it was a German Schnauzer... nahhh... maybe an Italian Greyhound, lean- fast... YEAH, but not in Paris, maybe VENICE and she's on holiday... But why would a Frenchie vacation in Venice? SEE WHAT I MEAN? It's impossible to stay focused!

I've seen what mommy reads w/her bookclub- I need to inject some canine prespective.

Hopefully, mom & dad will be supportive of some late nights on the laptop, charitable donations, and more reading- less tv.

A special BELATED Birthday to Lilly! Can't believe she's 6 already... Man, I remember 6... In dog years, that was- i dunno, like last week.

They grow up so fast...

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Gettin' Ready to Party

What a day... I wake up, it's not even New Years Day yet, and there's confetti EVERYWHERE. Ryan keeps pointing out that it's snow and not fun bits of festive confetti and I'm all, "Thanks captain buzzkill. It may be snow, but I like to party so- in my mind, it's confetti." (he relented).

After a walk, Ry jumped back on his computer to work, write, or research who the next Jets coach might/might not be. BUT, I caught a taste for the writing bug yesterday so I kicked him outta his workspace and decided to work on the Great American Canine Novel.

I started working on an outline, building scenarios, protagonist motivations, etc. and feel like I'm making some real headway.

But, I'm wiped and it's time to rest-up for the big party... so, I leave you all to enjoy the new year.

Harry W. Posner- novelist

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Another dog day in the hood...

All work and no play makes Ryan a boring host... Here I am, all "woof, woof," and "let's play" and "stop typing on the friggin computer, woof" and he's still typing away on some kind of script (way to go Hemingway).

Anyway, after watching him type dribble for a couple of hours, I decided to step in and help the poor bastard out (I mean, really- he's writing scripts for a tv show, way to go pal). I jumped up on my seat which is neatly situated next to him in an attempt to let him know- "hey, I'm still here pal."

I typed furiously, hard at work banging out the prose, and even impressing myself w/the use of metaphors and eventually worked in an allegory... I know most people think Dog's don't sweat but I was working- full-throttle. So much so...

Ry' must have appreciated the gesture... said he'd give me a credit when the special airs (I'm not holding my breath- going to contact my agent and the union to make sure I get my due). He also brought me home a treat from the doggie store so... All in, I guess he's a'ight (new brooklyn slang I've picked up... )

Monday, December 29, 2008


Totally slept in today... I'm on vacation for Christ's sake (yup, they're def' goyim). Woke up, had breakfast catered and- remarkably, it tasted just like home albeit it... I dunno, for lack of a better word, it tasted... a little, "brooklyn'y."

After a stroll and a quick game of 'try and pull the toy outta my mouth' (Ryan won, Tra' lost), I sacked out for a bit. Ry totally worked all day- babbling about Good Housekeeping this, Good Housekeeping that... whatever, I'm a dog and a guest, you clean-up after me- I'm not doing it.

I finally managed to get the bastard to stop working (took all of 5 seconds) and we went out. I'm diggin this whole Brownstone thing, it's quaint, historic, and there's tons of trees to sniff around. I had my pick sniffing from one trunk to another- found the perfect poop spot.

Ry tried to walk me all over the place and I was all, "WTF,- I'm a little a dog. Enough w/all the walky walk." So- I grabbed his car and went for a ride... Did him a solid by finding a spot for him as tomorrow is some kind of Alternate Side Parking thing... at least that's what the sign says (which I promptly peed on).

Anyway, we're gonna watch some Iron Man on Blu Ray so Ry can avoid his responsibilities.

Peas Out!

Sunday, December 28, 2008


I've just arrived at 825 Union St. here in the 'Slope' (stupid local slang). After checkin' my luggage at #3, my concierges (Ry' and Tra') went for a stroll down Union St. So far, standard city fare- picked a favorite hydrant- peed on it. Picked a favorite poll- peed on it. Crossed the street, peed on a gate, then climbed the 2 flights back to my suite.

Could be me- but they've got a big tree w/a bunch of lights on it... Jury is still out but they may be goyim.